It was during my final clearance from the university I realized that skills will eat your degree for breakfast. 

It was common for everyone to associate Mass Communication under the umbrella of people in the “Tv or radio” with the other aspects coming second. With a background in Mass Communication and a major in public relations. I knew I had to step up if I was to stay afloat in the labour market.  

My major starting point began during my NYSC service year when I stumbled upon a digital marketing training program while searching for ways to learn digital marketing skills. As a beginner, I found myself lost in the vast sea of courses and technical margins. There was little or no room to ask questions and ultimately I found the courses lacking in practical experience. At that point, I was almost giving up. “All my chest was just hot”. It was obvious I needed someone to hold my hand and walk me through it like a toddler. 

But everything changed, I found a digital marketing training program that changed how I viewed marketing. 

It was just another morning at my P.P.A. scrolling on Instagram when I came across the program and decided to register, I didn’t give it much thought after then but fast forward to some weeks later, I was a member of that cohort. The training gave me the much-needed clarity and hands-on experience to boost my skills and knowledge. For the first time, I could ask questions, experiment, make mistakes, and record success.

Of course, some challenges and setbacks came along the way. From reporting my service to my country down to the daily dose of Lagos city escapades. (You know the way virtual training can be since you are just the one pushing yourself, you’ve paid for it, so you just have to put in the work). But I was able to overcome them and improve my skills and knowledge through the process.

Luckily for me, I gained an internship slot with the parent body handling the digital marketing training and this was where everything I learned mattered. I struggled at first due to the remote nature of working, it was difficult for me at first, communicating over a workspace online whenever I was at a fix but over time, I got used to it. I moved from case studies to real-life analysis. It was a period of learning and unlearning for me. 

Gone are the days of attempting to push your product or service on anyone and everyone. Instead, it’s a thrilling adventure of constant discovery or innovative ways to capture people’s attention. It’s a world full of excitement just waiting to be explored.

The first step is to connect with, locate, and gain a deep understanding of your target audience. Then, it’s all about helping them solve their problems and distributing the solutions through the most effective platforms. Sounds simple, right? With the right mindset, a hunger for knowledge, and most importantly a platform to learn this digital skill, you are good to go. 

It might be difficult finding your feet at the very beginning because of the umbrella of skill set under digital marketing but it will all be worth it in the end.

If you want to take your digital marketing skills to the next level, I hope this will help;

  • You’ll meet with people who have explored the industry and learn from them. They’ll guide you through a comprehensive and well-structured curriculum tailored to meet your needs. 
  • But that’s not all! As a student, you’ll enjoy access to course materials and free digital marketing tools, ensuring that you’re always up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies.
  • And if you’re the hands-on type, you’ll love the practical tasks and projects that allow you to apply your newfound knowledge in real-world scenarios.
  • Best of all, the program offers industry certification which will give you a valuable edge in the competitive world of digital marketing.

Interesting right?

So what are you waiting for? Join Pullen Academy today and embark on an exciting journey toward digital marketing success!

Last but not least, earn certifications that will validate your skills and make you a true standout in the competitive world of digital marketing. Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to propel your career forward and become a digital marketer

Your experience or course of study does not have to limit your career options. Regardless of your background, you can adapt, learn, and expand your skills. When I discovered digital marketing, I found a career path with numerous opportunities to explore, more so than ever before.

As a digital marketing specialist, I’ve found that the field offers a variety of branching paths to explore and conquer. Once you gain experience and discover a potential route you’d like to pursue, transitioning into that role becomes easy. 

To succeed in digital marketing, it’s important to get certified, network with like-minded professionals, and seek out good mentors who can guide you along the way. Don’t be afraid to share your knowledge in the way that works best for you, whether it’s through writing, speaking, or creating digital content. And if you’re feeling overwhelmed by the vastness of digital marketing, consider picking a niche and consistently focusing on it. Trust me, the possibilities are endless.

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